Laptop Care with Effective Tips

Though laptops are expensive gadgets and used frequently, their maintenance is mandatory. Take proper care of your laptop, so that you can enjoy its benefits all the time. There are many easy things to do that will enhance your laptop’s durability. This article presents essential tips that will help you keep your lappie in a perfect condition. 

Before cleaning your laptop screen, make sure the cloth is very soft. You can clean your laptop with handkerchief, moistened with non-alkaline detergent. Unlike harsh spray, cleaning the screen with plain water and vinegar is good. While shutting your laptop, make sure there are no small items on the keyboard. If the item is sharp then it may damage the display screen.

Keyboard is the most-used output device. Clean the keyboard if the keys start sticking and you are unable to type properly. Shut down the system before you start cleaning. Use a smooth brush to wipe dust out of the keyboard. Turn the keyboard down, gently tap on the back and let the unwanted crumbs fall down. You can also avail compressed air to blow out whatever is still stuck. 

Once you have shut down your laptop, wait for at least 30 minutes for restarting it. In this time the hard drive will spun down completely ensuring no switching risk. Often keep the computer’s temperature moderate cool by keeping using air conditioner or by installing an additional system cooler.

Hold the laptop by its base to lift it up, rather holding its display screen. Avoid placing pressure on the monitor as it may damage the screen. Before taking your laptop outside, pack it properly in a sturdy bag. Make sure the bag is quite hard from outside and soft inside. A secure bag will definitely reduce the risk of damage.

Rapid temperature fluctuations can badly affect your machine. The outdoor and indoor temperature should always be kept in mind. Make sure you don’t turn on your laptop immediately when you bring it indoor during winter. Turn on once it copes with the room temperature. Don’t use it under excess heat as well.

Your laptop has got sensitive circuitry system inside. Make sure you do not eat or drink while you’re nearby your laptop. Spilled liquids on the keyboard can cause serious damage including motherboard short out. It’s better to keep eatable and drinkable stuff away from your PC. 

Sometimes you are so busy with your laptop that you accidentally move your legs or step up on the power cord. This may result in serious mishap. Never keep the cord near your legs or lay it on the floor. Do not tug the power chord directly which will break off the plug or damage the power socket. 

The display screen is a sensitive part of your laptop. Never put any heavy material/object on your laptop. The screen will get pressure from the object which can lead to display breakage. It can also hamper the keyboard and disk tray.

Do not keep your laptop on a rough surface. Always put it on a flat surface which will prevent damage. Most of us use our laptop on bed which has a disadvantage. When the machine runs, its fan sucks the dust and crumbs from the bed. It blocks the fan or slows down the speed. So, it is better to use the laptop somewhere else.

Don’t you want to extend your laptop’s life time? Obviously yes! Your PC is an important part of your personal as well as professional life. Keeping an eye on this, follow all the essential tips to keep your laptop stay healthy.